Shortly after practice on Tuesday, Charlotte point guard Raymond Felton noticed that the team's part owner seemed a little 'queazy'. "I just finished a few layup drills when I saw Michael kind of pacing back and forth by the bleachers...[I] asked him what was wrong, cause I'm always concerned about his 'Airness'. He looked at me and he said he had to take a huge shit."
"Then he said he didn't know who I is. He don't know who any us is. He said he couldn't give a crap about this team...but it look like bout to."
Word around the locker room was that shortly after the Felton incident, Mr. Jordan was seen sneaking behind the bleachers. Some players even report that it seemed Jordan was waiting until the gym had emptied out. But, he was sorely mistaken, as SG Raja Bell saw Michael exiting from behind the bleachers zipping up his pants.
"I saw Michael come out from behind the looked like he just took a huge shit. I mean, you could see the smile on his face. It was a smile that said, 'I just took a huge shit!'"
Bell went on to say, "Well, I had to go see it! I worship the guy! I was going to go eat the corn out of it!"
Much to Bell's surprise (and the whole team for that matter, as he alerted them to his well as the janitor...and a reporter...and a Make-a-Wish Kid) when he peered behind the bleachers, he found glittering amongst the bubble gum wrappers, cigarette butts, and used condoms, a robust, shiny chunk of gold poo.
"Dude, I was, like...GOLD SHIT! This bitch craps gold!? I gots to melt this shit down for my grill!"

The rumor has been furthered after reports that just before leaving for tonight's game in Boston, Jordan was seen exiting a Charlotte Jack-In-The-Box, where he promptly snuck behind the dumpster. It is not known at press time what he did back there, but after reemerging from said dumpster, five homeless men were seen scrambling to the spot.
When reached for comment, Michael Jordan had this to say:
"Yes, I crap gold. Now get out my way before I make you kiss Raja's shit mouth."
you guys are hilarious