Speaking of eating dicks...YOU Jimmy Kimmel! You and Kobe can take turns eating ALL OF THEM! Last night, Jimmy had Magic Johnson on the show...
"Whoever you're rooting for...can we agree that there's never been a worse nameJohnson:
for a professional sports team than the Magic? Not that the Lakers are
anything to brag about but at least a lake you can drown in, at least
there's some fear there. The Magic, why not just call them the Orlando Balloon Animals?"
"[cackle, cackle, HIV, cackle]"Umm...Magic Johnson? Why are you laughing? THAT'S YOUR NICKNAME, TOO, YOU IDIOT! Although "Balloon Animal" Johnson may have been a better nickname for him. I'm sure after finding out that he cheated on her (seems to be a running theme with Lakers players, natch!) Magic's wife probably tied his dick in knots.

A better joke would have been:
"Hey Magic Johnson, did you know that you're talk show sucked balls?"Audience:
All I'm saying is that there's worse pro team names out there. And at least the Magic actually has something to do with Orlando. LA stole a team from Minneapolis but kept the name. I guess they were apprehensive about calling themselves the LA CheatOnWivers (haha...now that is some comedy gold! Beat that, Kimmel!).
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