Hell-OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO everybodyyyyy!!!!!! Being in the Finalth ith enough to make me SSSTHIIIIIIINNNNG!!!! Laaaaaaaa laaaaaaaaa laaaaa laaaaaa!!!!
Now lithen up! Let me thow you HOW TO GET GAY WITH LA! It worked for me! Lamar took a little convinthing...

But now Lamar ith all on board...tho I will demonthrate on hith ath. Come here thugarbritcheth! Firtht, you thart with a gentle rub on your favorite player'th ath. Oh...yeth! Lamar you been workin' out? I'm jutht kiddin'...I know you been workin' out.

Thee guyth, thath jutht thtep one! Now ith on to full fledged kith! You juth pull your fellow Laker player up clothe to you...and...[smooch]. Man, nothing geth me ready to thlam dunk than a nithe little pre-game kith. Luke! You want thome a dith? I thee you back there! Thorry, but once you go black you never go back! Don't you worry...cawth I got thomthin for you!

Yeah, thath it Luke. Juth let it happen. Don't rethitht it! You want to be able to thlam dunk over Rathard Lewith? Well, get ready...cause right now you between a rock and a hardplace they ain't gonna let you go! Your gonna have to fight your way out of that manwich! Fight hard, baby...fight HAAARD!
Well, I hope you enjoyed my tipth on how to get gay with LA. Whew, I am tho tired! Wait a thecond! An MVP doethn't get tired! You thee Lebron? When the going geth tough, and you think your teammates aren't giving enough to back you up? Even if your leggth give out on you at the end of the game? Thometimeth...you juth...got to...give them a little bit, too.
Oh yeah, witneth that!
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