What the fuck is going on!!!!! Ok, I've had about enough of this shit.....[slams polish sausage against random laker fan walking by]. First Reebok and those sons of bitches try to cramp my polish style and now this? Tony fucking battie? Are you kidding me! I GOT A FUCKING STANDING OVATION LAST NIGHT! Hello, Stan, can you hear me??...That is the last fucking time I sit by Rafer on the bench. [mumbles to himself...dragon drag on.. 23, shots].
Do you fuckers know how much my contract is with Reebok? Do you? They pay me in polish sausages, that's like paying a whore in condoms, yeah I need them but come on, I only need that many because I'M FUCKING GORTAT!! There is no way I cover one piece of this beautiful flesh up, NOT ONE DAMN PIECE [removes pants to reveal yardstick, points to yardstick and yells] SUCK IT REEBOK, SUCK ON THAT!!! [Stops random magic fan on street with tatto] See! we will not be denied, uncover all of your markings, let the powers that try to opress us know we will not be squashed! [Smacks magic fan in the tatto with polish sausage]. Now run free and tell everyone!!
Sunday I'm sitting right next to stan and I'm just going to keep standing up reminding him of my stading ovation. Thank god the game is sunday night so I can hit some asian ass in between now and then. Asians love the weekend....and they love big noses. [drifs off for a second while smiling and mumbling...fish, love, dragon, 23, shots] AHHHHH! I WANT TO CRUSH THAT FUCKING GASOL!!! God, i thought Turk smelled bad. [Runs down the street towards dragon room screaming] A STANDING FUCKING OVATION!!! FUCK YOU REEBOK!!!
this is the best blog on the internet