Carter spent the second half in the trainers' room and had his ankle wrapped. X-rays were negative.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Calm Down...
Carter spent the second half in the trainers' room and had his ankle wrapped. X-rays were negative.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Poetry Inaction
The stiller I am, the more everything moves in the immense vocabulary of being.
— Margaret Hasse
I guess he needs to build up that immense vocabulary so he can yell at the refs...the dog vendors...his brother...that spot on the wall...
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Presenting...The Orlando Magic SUPERMEN
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Catman's Top 20 Magic Moments

Brian Hill was pretty pissed, and walked away from the huddle, telling AB to figure the play out himself. (After the game, Hill said the whole thing was embarrassing.)

Detroit coach Doug Collins was pretty pissed, too. So pissed, in fact, that he instructed his team to stand aside in protest against Bowie's attempt at a cheap triple-double. David Stern said, 'Great idea, give the NBA $5000.'
It was an awkward spectacle as AB passed the ball (I think to Donald Royal) for an easy layup and to complete the triple-double and cement his name in NBA history. Now, every time a player attempts to pad his stats to get the elusive triple-double, the Anthony Bowie incident is mentioned...and I could not think that is more AWESOME!
And every time a player leads a revolt to get a coach fired, I think of Brian Hill. Maybe you should think about NOT walking away from a huddle, big boy! YOU ARE NOT AWESOME!
Catman's Top 20 Magic Moments

Oh, that's your wife over there with Vander Weide. Boy, she looks angry. Why does she look so angry?
Billy why does she look so angry about being here in Orlando??? Did you not discuss this with your family before SIGNING A CONTRACT WITH THE ORLANDO MAGIC AND LEAVING THE FLORIDA GATORS??? That can't be why she's angry...
Wait a second...did you hear that?
WHOA, Vander Weide just farted on your wife, Billy! So that's why she has that angry look on her face. Well, Billy, I hope this doesn't affect our relationship here or anything--
[Billy and wife leave press conference and slam door]
Ok, then. Well, in retrospect...I would say that once again, we're saved by Vander Weide's farts!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Catman's Top 20 Magic Moments
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Time to translate for you English speaking morons
It's a good thing for you I speak Polish....
Translation: When Gortat was a little boy there was a girl who stuck her tongue out at him. Gortat thought long and hard about beating her to death, Darrell Armstrong style. But then after a talk with his mother, he decided another course of action.
Cut to Gortat slamming teddy bear.
Cut to Gortat choking teddy bear to death.
Cut to the little girl who has aged 4 times faster than anyone staring at a Gortat Jersey.
Cut to shitty yogurt that we hope to sell on the coattails of Gortat's awesomeness.
Now watch it again.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Catman's Top 20 Orlando Magic Moments

If your a sports card collector, most likely you've heard of Beckett price guides. Basically, its a $5 magazine that tells you that Danny Schayes rookie card you paid $10 for is worth $.09 (going down). Back in 1992, when the Magic drafted Shaquille O'Neal (Blue Chips, Shazaam), Beckett Basketball Monthly wanted to jump on the hype bandwagon. Without waiting for Shaq to put the uniform on himself, Beckett photoshopped Shaq's head onto the body of Terry Catledge (Rachel's, Circus Circus) since Catman shared Shaq's college number '33'. Of course, we know who won that battle...
Getting on with it...My brother and I (Ex-Girlfriend in Bathroom-Dir.) sold programs at Magic games for years. One of the perks about being in the arena before everyone else was watching the Magic Dancers warm up in their sweatpants, as well as sneaking some autographs from players when they came out to warm up.
I believe it was probably an early exhibition game when my brother (17 at the time) approached Shaq (20 at the time) and asked for an autograph on the only thing he had...a photoshopped Catman/Shaq Beckett Basketball Monthly.
"Sorry kid, I don't sign Becketts."
We lost it because this guy just called my brother that is almost the same age as him a 'kid'! HAHAHAHA!!!
What? That was a dumb story? SCREW YOU THIS IS MY TOP 20! Although, in case you were wondering, Beckett Basketball DID issue Shaq an apology for the 'fake' cover, and quickly corrected the picture back to its original:
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Catman's Top 20 Orlando Magic Moments

---nope sorry Darrell. Let us know how the weather is in New Orlea---
---oh, sorry...Dallas! Nawlins sends you to Cowboy Town. Well, enjoy the steak---
---oh, wait...damnit. Traded from there too.
See Darrell, see what happens when you do that to a woman? We'll let the Polish Yardstick give you some advice:

P Hammer: Darrell, when a woman at a nightclub wants to put you in say YESSS!!!! Next time, I'll take you to the Dragon Room and show you how me and VaJayJay pull in the tang.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Too much, the Magic Bus
If I get a new one of these after every game, its going to be an awesome season...
Monday, October 5, 2009
Catman's Top 20 Orlando Magic Moments

In the young, fledgling years of the Orlando Magic, there wasn't much contraversy. As far as we knew, there wasn't any drug use or domestic violence...pretty much law abiding citizens. In fact, between Dave Corzine, Greg Kite, Mark Acres, and Scott Skiles, we mostly looked like a construction crew. And normally, Mark's infraction here wouldn't garner much notice, except that his DUI was the first news making law breaking for the team. In fact, if I remember correctly (which usually I don't) Mark's biggest ovation from the crowd came the game he returned after missing a couple games because of it.
What's Mark doing now? Well...this is verbatim from WikiAnswers:
Q-What does Mark Acres do now that he is retired?
A-He is a physical education teacher at J.H. Hull at Levy in Torrence,
CA.Veon Lee: I am a 8th grader at jh hull middle school right now, and he just
made me do cardio without running today. He is very old and no one at our
school really know that he was a basketball player!
Well, Veon...rejoice now! You are learning from a piece of basketball history!
The Polish Machine discusses the's Euro talk bitches!

- Traveled to Poland
- Did polish girls.
- Told my agent I wanted to be paid in Polish sausages next year or just one big bar tab at Dragon room.
- Fired agent after he laughed.
- Got four more Nike tattoos....Fuck you Reebok.
- Spoke to Mark Cuban on the phone, Cuban agreed to build an arena out of sausages if I came to Dallas.
- Flew to Dallas
- Did cowgirls
- Did not see an arena full of sausages.
- Left Dallas
- Was notified that Orlando matched my offer.
- Partied with Asians at Dragon room.
Well, I have a shitload of fan mail now that people have realized the greatness of the Gortat...let me answer a few right now.
Trainwreck: (drunk)...heheheeeeeey Gortat...i love youuuuuu. :dances like a 50 year old hooker would (somehow communicated through a piece of mail):
Polish Yardstick: Hi.
JK: um, hello Marin Gortat. I'm sorry to say this, but I was completely wasted on Friday night and I think I might have hit on you. Just want to apologize if I did.
Polish Block Party: Fag.
Delonte West: Yo, gortat, lemme hit cho up for some of dat cheese biotch. I'm gansta now and gots to protects my crib ya know! Planes, trains and automobiles!
Martin Gortat: What the fuck did you just say?
Jason from Dt Orlando: Hey gorty, remember that time I saw you in 23...I had our, wait, I mean your jersey on earlier that night. oh, I wish I woulda kept it on. Love you buddy. call me!
Polish Prince: :shakes head and throws letter in trash:
Mike from Vietnam: Hi, what will you average this year.
Polish Jackhammer: Shit, that's a tough one...I'd probably go with 20 drinks a night and two girls...finally a good question.
Ok bitches, I've to to get ready to punish Cuban for not building that sausage house. Preseason? Who cares? TOTAL DOMINATION.
Catman's Top 20 Orlando Magic Moments
Yes, I know how to count. I'm starting off the Top 20 Moments with #21. Screw you, the Magic did it on their countdown too. I think. Anyway, we're counting down the greatest moments in the history of our dear team. I'll begin with the two men that got the Magic here. Pat "Sexual Mustache" Williams and Jim "Sexual Businessman" Hewitt. These guys decided to start a team without the league even giving us one, in hopes that the NBA would just kind of...well, have to!

Luckily it worked. A poll was put in the Sentinel, and the names were narrowed down to "Heat", "Juice", "Tropics", and "Magic". Legend says that Williams daughter indirectly picked the name when she described her visit to Orlando as "magic". Thank God we didn't ask OJ Simpson.